Kabul Serena Hotel i Kabul

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Froshgah Street, Kabul, Kabul, AF Afganistan
Kontakter telefon: +93 79 965 4000
Hjemmeside: www.serenahotels.com
Latitude: 34.5203403, Longitude: 69.1781821
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Kommentar 5

  • Faraz Pirwani

    Faraz Pirwani


    Amazing hotel in Kabul

  • Demis Roussos

    Demis Roussos


    The worst hotel ever, the worst management, the worst staff, I have never visited the hotel and I will never, I am a travel agent in London and we had 2 bookings at the hotel and in house guests still to check out tomorrow 18/05/2018, I spoke with them to ask them how can they share and send the emails between our travel agency and their hotel to the customer and when I asked their rude manager to listen to me as I am the one who is calling to complain he hang the line in my face, We will never ever use their hotel for any of our business travellers and will put the review in TripAdvisor and all tourism platforms. Mahmoud Elsayed Savin Corporate Travel Management : The Mille 1000 Great West Road, Brentford TW8 9DW. Registered in England 11252682

  • khalid shahab

    khalid shahab


    Nice place

  • Eliane Venderametto

    Eliane Venderametto


    See for tv Pretty place My brothers i m sorry Give. stop. threaden. Pardon Video sad The peace With you

  • Shabir Rezaii

    Shabir Rezaii


    It was good when i visit 2005, ofcours much better nw, but not enough parking for the vehicles

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