Hamid karzai International Airport i Kabul

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1,Great Massoud Avenue,Khwaja Rawash,Kabul, Kabul, Afghanistan
Kontakter telefon: +93
Hjemmeside: hamidkarzaiairport.com
Latitude: 34.5649342, Longitude: 69.2126775
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Kommentar 5

  • Rahim Afridi

    Rahim Afridi


    The airport has been expanded and modernized in the last decade. A new international terminal was added and the older terminal is now used for domestic flights. A number of military bases were also built around the airport, which are used by the United States Armed Forces and NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). The Afghan Air Force also has a base there[6], while the Afghan National Police provide security inside the passenger terminals.

  • Catherine Fischer

    Catherine Fischer


    I gave it more stars just for staying open as much as it does. The airport is fairly efficient but limited in what it can provide--both at the airport and beyond. There is no excessive searching but it is relatively thorough. The temperature in the airport is variable. The bathrooms are relatively clean. Seating is as usual. Probably the worst thing about the airport is the PA system. It is muffled and so unclear that no one ever knows where to go.

  • Liam Parrish Rainey

    Liam Parrish Rainey


    Great place to apply for Isis but I was disappointed by how many times I got shot also they put way to many tide pods in their food

  • Shakib Khan

    Shakib Khan


    I can't say it's a beautiful airport but the staff are very nice and polite one thing is that they don't have too many trolles

  • My World 1

    My World 1


    Afghanistan is backward country located in the center of middle east of Asia kabul is the capital of the country which has only one airport called hamid karzai international airport the services and passing system was not bad it was good and satisfying as well. thanks to everyone had helped me to find what Afghanistan is in real beyond politics a and media damn news.

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