شاهین مارکیت i Kabul

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Kabul, Afghanistan
Kontakter telefon: +93
Latitude: 34.5434048, Longitude: 69.203075
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Kommentar 5

  • Mirwais Ikhlas

    Mirwais Ikhlas


    Local food product market including small fast food restaurants.

  • Mohammad Usman Amini

    Mohammad Usman Amini


    Internet Café . hair saloon. Suit dryer etc available

  • Sultan Haidary

    Sultan Haidary


    Well Shahin market is a good place to sort out some stuff. In Shahin market you can find 2 or 3 net cafes with printing and other stuff related to that. Agencies to find out about residential places, a decent gym. Some restaurants at ground floor. The fun place is it's two gaming zones to chill out with friends. And those looking for some classes in different fields can also find that. There is school located at top. The last but not the least is the hospital, more like a clinic which have decent service and a great doctor, which specialises in heart dieses and goes by the name of Dr. Fazal Haq.

  • Hhj Bdgj

    Hhj Bdgj


    Internet Club, hair saloon, Institutes ,School... Suit Wash and dry services .. Good place

  • Valy Saddat

    Valy Saddat


    Shaheen market, Suppermarkets Fastfood, restaurants Stationery Gym

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