Arg i Kabul

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Akber, Kabul, Afghanistan
Kontakter telefon: +93 72 899 8907
Latitude: 34.5240085, Longitude: 69.1793533
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Kommentar 5

  • Sorosh Ahmadi

    Sorosh Ahmadi


    only the pashtons are able to work in there....

  • Nooruddin Saghar

    Nooruddin Saghar


    Our presidential palace where I met some officials. It's really a historical place. The important part was I visited this place after 25 year again.

  • Sayed Bashir Noori

    Sayed Bashir Noori


    This area is not for public, Administrative Office of the President staff can enter

  • Mohammad Shafiq Faqeerzai

    Mohammad Shafiq Faqeerzai


    The Presidential Palace of Beautiful Afghanistan

  • Abdul Qahar Nuristani

    Abdul Qahar Nuristani


    This is the place where all the evil and greedy politicians come together and talk about their interests rather than the country's and the nation's interest. But anyway, can't complain because we are the ones who have supported them during elections and still support them either because of our ethnic affiliation or political interest. They may not be prosecuted for their crimes in this world but can't escape from Allah's court in the other world.

Nærmeste Forudsætning:

محل تشریفات گارد ملی

Shahre Naow
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